If you don’t plan your life, someone else will. And I doubt very much that you’ll like it.
Planning is not hard and anyone can do it.
I’ll tell you where the plans for the day come from.
Imagine that every morning an Angel with a bag of tasks flies over the Earth. His job is to keep mankind busy.
Flying up to one window, he sees that a person has planned his life, has written down all the steps to realize his plans. And he thinks that this man has so many plans and tasks, I will not burden him.
He flies on.
Looks, another person lives without tasks and plans. And Angel randomly pulls out of the bag tasks for the day. And there different things can get there: failures at work, a line at the buffet, car breakdown, a quarrel with a friend, sudden guests. In general, fills life with different tasks and uncoordinated plans.
The conclusion is this: you’re still going to do something every day. Wouldn’t it be better to prioritize, tasks and plans yourself? And do everything for your own development. Make your life interesting, so that no one throws their interests into your life.
This is where I go into more detail about the types of planning.